What MYL Freelancers have to say about MYL

Rie: "Working at MYL has enabled me to work with some of the most prestigious hospitality companies in the world."
Rex: "At MYL, I enjoy the support of their online translation system, which has helped to revolutionise the way that I work."
Sauha: "MYL has given me an opportunity to leverage my translation skillset and has
also helped to expose me to a variety of different projects and job types."
Jason: "MYL has permitted me a financially viable way to utilise my translation skills."
Alex: "At MYL, I can depend on consistent and regular jobs, which work to further enhance my portfolio and experience."

At MYL, we are always looking for high-quality freelance English editors, copywriters and translators. Our business model attracts large multinational businesses to execute editing, copywriting and translation with MYL.

The high volume and recurring nature of our Clients' work, coupled with their desire for consistency, means talented linguists can build their own successful business within our business with no marketing costs.

Our "Work From Home Platform" is supported by the latest technologies, enabling our linguists to receive, complete and return work using an intuitive interface, that also allows them to live chat with permanent MYL staff.



Submitting an application

Finance and Hospitality are our main sectors. If you have worked five years or more for either of these two sectors with regular Clients and have in-depth knowledge of the industry, we welcome you to submit your application. We may also consider applications in the areas of Technology, Medical and General Marketing.

Make your application stand-out by providing the
following information:

The companies which you regularly do work for

The types of files you translate for your regular Clients

References who can vouch for your work quality

Your knowledge and views on the MTPE- translation process

A copy of a couple of previous projects that you have completed for our review

If you have worked on any MTPE projects in the past and could share some previous experience on these types of projects, that would be a plus


How to win tests and more MYL Clients

MYL offers a free testing programme for our Clients, which we have found makes a significant difference in winning new business. Here are our top three tips for winning more tests:

Ask questions - Clarify with our project managers if any instructions in the brief or reference materials are unclear. If you must make assumptions, state what they are.

Review the reference materials thoroughly - When we ask our Clients for reference materials we ask for the “model copy”, which is the best representation of what the Client wants. If you are unable to produce results similar to the model copy, please let us know before agreeing to the test.

Triple-check your work - Any tests with major mistakes will be removed from the Client’s consideration by our QA team - do not risk being disqualified before your work even gets to the Client.

The preferred translator system

We work with our Clients in a collaborative way so that they have control over the translators that are assigned to their account. This collaboration involves a series of free tests, enabling our Clients to share the tests with their colleagues and gather feedback on the quality and style of each translation.

We know that consistency is essential to our Clients, and the only way to guarantee it is to ensure that the same lead translator is assigned to the account for every piece of work. Being a “preferred translator” on an account means that, over time, a translator can build-up recurring income from the recurring nature of the projects assigned to MYL.

Testing on secondary specialisations

You will be asked to select your primary and secondary sectors in the application process. Once you pass the test in one of our primary sectors (Finance and Hospitality), you will be onboarded as a translator.

After you have completed a few jobs in your primary sector with satisfactory results, we will send you tests for your secondary sectors. If you pass the tests, the secondary sectors will be added to your profile. Your job scope and Client base will also be expanded, providing you with more opportunities to work on new projects and with new Clients.


Turnaround times

Normally, the turnaround time for a 2,000-word job is 24 hours, allowing enough time to do any necessary research and to proofread your work. If some projects have a tighter delivery time, our project managers will communicate with translators to make sure that they have sufficient time and are confident that they can do the job. We understand there might be times that translators need to attend to emergency issues. Please let our project managers know once you foresee that you cannot complete a job on time. We will then work out a solution together.

Utilising reference materials and research

We always ask the Client for reference materials. If a translation brief or style guide is available, or if previous work is provided, translators should study the files carefully and closely adhere to the Client’s required terms and style. With the help of reference materials, we believe translators can optimise their translated work in an effective manner. It is pivotal to recognise that translation is not only about translating and editing, but also about research. From our experience, those translators who research the Client’s website and published materials, deliver higher-quality work.

Getting paid

Translators are paid every two months (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep and Nov) by PayPal or TransferWise. TransferWise charges are typically cheaper than PayPal, so translators can earn more using this service. Please note that translators who wish to receive payment by wire transfer will be responsible for all fees incurred.


MYL’s quality assurance process and procedure

MYL’s strong emphasis on quality, means that we are now a trusted vendor to hundreds of Clients in a wide range of sectors. To ensure consistent, high-quality work, our QA team selects and reviews the delivered translation files from time-to-time. Analysis and comments are then shared with the translators.

If a translator has maintained good translation quality, the project managers will assign him/her more jobs, allowing translators to build-up a Client base. However, if the performance of a translator is not stable, we will monitor his/her work more closely for improvement. We may consider removing a translator from a project if his/her performance is consistently not up-to-standard, and in extreme cases, he/she might be removed from our freelancer pool.

Careful preparation is essential. By undertaking careful preparation and thorough research, as well as studying the reference materials provided by the Client, high-quality outcomes are substantially increased. When translating, translators should always refer to the Client’s preferred terms and style.

It is also important to understand the source’s meaning before translating, to avoid any mistranslation. Before submitting the translated work, translators are advised to do a final proofreading, to make sure that the deliverables are error-free and ready to be published.
It is always important to know your target readers — including the Client. A good translation should read like an original work. Simply imagine that the readers are not bilingual speakers, nor can they read both languages. A native speaker can easily tell if a work is translated from its syntax and choice of words.

If a Client prefers a creative approach, the translation should be rendered in a more dynamic way that it is idiomatically acceptable to native speakers. Translators are also encouraged to notify our project managers if they have any queries during translation, so that we can check with the Client and ensure the deliverables are up to, or even beyond the Client’s expectations.
Translators should ensure that they have sufficient time for research, translation and proofreading. Meeting deadlines with lower-quality work may bring short-term accomplishment, but Clients can easily spot rushed work, and will not be shy to raise it with their project managers—which may result in a translator being removed from the account.

If translators feel they are not in the best position to deliver high-quality work by the required deadline, they are advised to bring it to the project manager’s attention, so that they can determine if an extension is possible.
When there is Client feedback, our QA team will review the Client’s finalised files and share their findings with the translators involved. This enables translators to become more accustomed to the Client’s requirements and helps translators to adjust the style/incorporate new terms into their next assignments.

We appreciate it when translators make the effort to improve their performance based on the Client’s feedback; such dedication is what we value, so that long-term relationships can be sustained among all parties. Translators are also welcome to provide comments on the feedback.


MYL’s translation management systems

Translation management systems, or TMS as they are commonly known, are essential tools for the modern-day translator. At MYL, we use two TMS platforms: Memsource and Wordbee. As part of every translator’s onboarding process, we will provide you with access to both TMS platforms for free, together with all the training necessary to use them effectively.

How TMS helps translators

The main idea behind a TMS platform is that it substantially enhances a translator’s productivity. From scheduling jobs that align with the amount of words a specific translator typically translates per hour, to granting access to translation memory and Client glossaries, a TMS is an essential tool in guaranteeing quality and delivering projects on time.

The role of machine translation

At MYL, we believe machine translation is not something to fear, but rather a technology to embrace. We build bespoke machine translation engines for Clients who have highly repetitive work, and who require fast turnaround times. We then train our translators on how to post-edit the machine translation output. Typically, translators who embrace our machine translation + post editing process, earn more money than translators who prefer not to use the new technology. This is because the hourly output of translators who use machine translation is considerably more.


Maintaining consistency
in your work

Our translators make a consistent effort to refer to the terms provided in our Clients’ glossaries, in order to ensure that they are familiar with their required style, tone and content. They also highlight the importance of checking your translation after completing a job, in case any mistakes may have slipped through the cracks.

Conducting research on your Client

Our translators know the importance of googling key words when they’re unsure, by referring to the Client’s online resources (website, etc). By utilising “smart research” actions, translators are able to generate more accurate results when researching. Good research ensures that translators are understanding the context and required style of the Client.

Making use of references and translation briefs

Our translators always take the time to familiarise themselves with a Client’s brief. By summarising and identifying the key elements and words in their references, they are then able to encapsulate the correct terminology and style into their work. They also pay close attention to special requests and comments made by Clients when they submit their jobs and ask for clarifications where necessary.

Managing incoming jobs effectively

When it comes to managing incoming jobs effectively, it’s crucial that translators have a targeted plan of action, by mapping out which jobs to prioritise first and by leaving adequate time to complete them. Our translators know that it is important not to accumulate incoming jobs—as jobs can quickly pile up, and then be rushed.

Contacting MYL when
there is a problem

By contacting the MYL project manager when there is a problem on a job, it prevents any further issues or revisions from occurring and ensures that the job requirements are understood. The MYL team is always happy to assist when any job-related issues arise, and appreciate it when it is brought to their attention—the Client will appreciate it too!

Managing your time effectively to execute your jobs

Our translators suggest making a weekly plan that clearly maps out how much time you are able to allocate to incoming and recurring jobs. To further prevent delays, it’s also important to keep the project manager informed when your schedule is tight and you may need an extension to complete a job.

By being honest with yourself regarding your capability of what you can feasibly complete within a day, you ensure that you don’t overload yourself with jobs that you may not be able to complete on time. Taking short breaks in-between, is a good way to start each job with a fresh pair of eyes; helping to safeguard the job quality.

Staying on top of the latest industry trends

Always look for opportunities to improve your personal development as a whole. Our translators recommend participating in a certificate examination as a great way to study, stay informed and be aware of new industry requirements. Also, taking the time to read industry-related articles and following local and international news, can help you stay up-to-date with new industry terminology. It is also useful to research your Client’s industry and their competitors, to gain further insights.

Useful industry blogs/
websites to use

One of our translators recommends The Economist, Reuters and Bloomberg as great online news publications that can help to develop your terminology and understanding of the financial, global and business sectors. Staying informed with the Client’s company websites and articles is also extremely useful.

Other important areas for professional development

Another good tip is to read the related articles mentioned in the source content provided by the Client- especially if provided in the target languages. It’s also important to pay attention to the details, do thorough research and raise questions to the MYL project manager if anything is unclear.



Translator’s Name: Rie

Expertise: Hospitality

Language speciality: English to Japanese

Joined MYL: 2006

What MYL has to say

Rie is a dedicated and reliable member of the MYL team. She makes a constant effort to ensure that her work is delivered on time and to the specifications of the Client. Hard-working and transparent, Rie is among our most valued English-to-Japanese translators.


How has it been different working for MYL versus working for other translation companies?

The main difference is that MYL offers a much more personal experience, where I feel valued as a member of their team even though I am in a freelance role. This has helped me to foster a real connection with the company.

What is an average day working for MYL like?

Working for MYL allows me the flexibility to encompass my translation work into my current day-to-day schedule.

Which Clients have you worked for since joining MYL?

Working at MYL has enabled me to work with some of the most prestigious hospitality companies in the world. It has also enabled me to work with respected consumer goods and services companies.

What do you enjoy the most about working at MYL?

MYL has a caring company culture. They have always considered my personal matters and created a relationship that has enabled an open and respectful dialogue between us.

Do you have any useful tips that you can share about working as a freelancer for MYL?

I always feel like you can reach out to the MYL staff whenever there is a problem or an issue that you would like to raise. You can always trust the staff for their support.


Translator’s Name: Alex

Expertise: Finance, Legal and Marketing

Language speciality: English to Chinese

Joined MYL: 2017

What MYL has to say

Alex always goes the extra mile when researching for Clients, to ensure accuracy in his work. Taking the initiative, he comes to our team with ideas on how to make further improvements on the projects that he is working on. A team player, he is transparent in flagging any issues he encounters, so that we can continue to deliver his best work to our Clients.


How has it been different working for MYL versus working for other translation companies?

MYL offers a professional and enjoyable environment to work in. The staff are easy to communicate with and are always available to assist whenever I encounter any problems. At MYL, I can also depend on consistent and regular jobs, which work to further enhance my portfolio and experience.

What is an average day working for MYL like?

My day starts by translating some English-to-Simplified Chinese jobs and I also post-edit machine translation jobs. Some days are more fast-paced and challenging than others, but I enjoy the variety of jobs that are provided.

Which Clients have you worked for since joining MYL?

I have written for a multitude of different disciplines and industries, which include multinational financial, banking and investment companies as well as manufacturing, travel and hospitality companies.

What do you enjoy the most about working at MYL?

The thing I enjoy the most about working for MYL is how professional and efficient the staff is, which really makes a difference.

Do you have any useful tips that you can share about working as a freelancer for MYL?

The best advice I can give, is to always be prepared and to make a point of consistently delivering high-quality work. If you do that, you will gain a reputation of being a reliable and effective translator, and more jobs and opportunities will come your way.


Translator’s Name: Sauha

Expertise: Finance

Language speciality: English to Traditional Chinese

Joined MYL: 2009

What MYL has to say

Sauha is a pleasure to work with – polite and responsive, she continually produces high-quality translation work and always goes the extra mile to ensure accuracy. Sauha has also proven to be well-rounded in other sectors outside of her speciality of finance, adapting well to Client requirements.


What is an average day working for MYL like?

Usually my day revolves around ensuring that I am organised to meet the deadlines of the day.

Which Clients have you worked for since joining MYL?

MYL has enabled me to work with a wide selection of companies and sectors, ranging from entertainment and hospitality to several financial service providers.

What do you enjoy the most about working at MYL?

MYL has given me an opportunity to leverage my translation skillset and has also helped to expose me to a variety of different projects and job types.

Do you have any useful tips that you can share about working as a freelancer for MYL?

Never stop learning. Always do your research to ensure that you understand a project thoroughly before tackling it and don’t be afraid to ask questions if you’re unsure.


Translator’s Name: Rex

Expertise: Finance and Legal

Language speciality: English to Chinese

Joined MYL: 2019

What MYL has to say

Rex is a responsive and punctual member of MYL’s freelance translation team. With his excellent time management skills, Rex always meets Client deadlines. He is a trusted member of the MYL team who can be relied upon for managing tight turnaround times, whilst consistently providing high-quality work.


How has it been different working for MYL versus working for other translation companies?

The main difference has been MYL’s unique AI integration systems and coordinated project managers that help to make my jobs easier to organise and complete.

What is an average day working for MYL like?

An average day involves translating a mix of regular, recurring jobs whilst also working on some more ad hoc projects. The scope of work is varied and offers me new translation challenges.

Which Clients have you worked for since joining MYL?

Since joining MYL, I have grown my Client base, working mainly for established financial and technology companies.

What do you enjoy the most about working at MYL?

At MYL, I enjoy the support of their online translation system, which has helped to revolutionise the way that I work. I also appreciate the assistance of the professional MYL staff in my day-to-day operations.

Do you have any useful tips that you can share about working as a freelancer for MYL?

I strongly advise that freelancers take the time to do their research on their jobs and make a conscious effort to refer to a Client’s glossary. This way they can ensure that their translation is as close as possible to the Client’s requirements and preferred industry terminology.


Translator’s Name: Jason

Expertise: Finance and Real Estate

Language speciality: English to Traditional Chinese

Joined MYL: 2018

What MYL has to say

Jason is driven by continually delivering a high standard of work. He shows dedication in going above and beyond to undertake research and is meticulous in following the Client’s translation brief to a “T”.


What is an average day working for MYL like?

Most days entail working hard and systematically to meet deadlines for my translation projects.

Which Clients have you worked for since joining MYL?

The Clients that I have worked with since joining MYL have been a mix of well-established financial and insurance companies.

What do you enjoy the most about working at MYL?

MYL has permitted me a financially viable way to utilise my translation skills. I also get a lot of job satisfaction from happy Clients and by seeing my work featured in their official materials.

Do you have any useful tips that you can share about working as a freelancer for MYL?

It’s important to ensure that you work hard and know your area of expertise by continually educating yourself on your discipline.

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